Online business course

Kurz vytvoril: Hodnotenie účastníkov kurzu: Dĺžka kurzu: Počet lekcií: For beginners:
  • Matej Kukucka
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Matej Kukucka
Lektor kurzu: Matej Kukucka

Matej Kukučka is an internet entrepreneur and marketing specialist who works as a CMO & Co-Founder in the startup called StreamBee. He is the founder of the Marketing Player portal.

Zobraziť celý profil

99 € Finálna cena 199 €
Čo získam:
  • 33 praktických videí o affiliate marketingu
  • celoživotný prístup do kurzu
  • 14 dennú garanciu vrátenia peňazí

Obsah kurzu

Celkové hodnotenie kurzu

Kurz zatiaľ nikto nehodnotil

Our benefits

Lector's consultation

We want to change education and we only do it by helping you anytime

Forever access

After completing the course you will have unlimited access to all the materials

Regular updates

We regularly refresh the materials so that they are always up to date for you